**Parent Stress24 hour Hotline/Parents Helping Parents: 1-800-632-8188 **Substance Use Support/FREE and confidential support for people in distress, 24/7 treatment referral and information: Helplinema.org 1-800-327-5050 Text HOPE to 800327 **Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988 **Domestic Abuse Support/Elizabeth Freeman Center: toll-free hotline is 866-401-2425
Berkshire Nursing Families: Support during pregnancy, birth and throughout breastfeeding experience. In person, virtual, and phone consultation as needed. Playgroups, support groups, and Teen to 23 Project. *Call or text Breastfeeding Support Line: 413-743-5338 email: [email protected] Visit on Facebook, click HERE. Website: http://www.berkshirenursingfamilies.org/
CHP/Family Services: *Sips & Tips meets every Tuesday on Zoom @ 10:00am Chat with other caregivers about the joys and challenges of raising children. *Check yourself before you wreck yourself meets on zoom 1X month in the evening. A great workshop to come with questions and leave with a few tools in your parenting toolbox. *Parent Child+ This amazing program provides parenting support 2X a week and free toys and books delivered to your home! For more information on programs and to receive the zoom links contact Kim: [email protected] or Cynthia: [email protected] website: https://www.chpberkshires.org/family/ Visit on Facebook, click HERE.
Healthy Families: Support for first time mom or dad, age 25 or under, parents can be pregnant or the child must be under age 1 to begin program, must live in Berkshire County. Facebook, click HERE. website: https://www.ccberkshire.org/healthy-families phone# (413) 445-4324 Ann Monti phone# 413-358-0287, email: [email protected]
Parents As Teachers: A certified Parent educator works with parents and caregivers in their home to help them become their child's first teacher. email: [email protected]